Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Tiramisu Turtle - Closeup

Since the mom I crocheted this for has a turtle theme in the nursery, I decided to applique a turtle in the corner of the blanket. Here's a closeup of it. I totally winged this one - no pattern, and I think it looks pretty good!

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Turtle Tiramisu

I just finished a baby blanket for my DH's coworker's new baby boy. It was loosely based on the Tiramisu blanket found here.

Just one problem - once again was bit by the "no dye lot" bug. This time the culprit is Caron's Perfect Match - how's that for irony? I didn't even notice the change in color until I went to take a picture to post at Crochetville.

Shame on me for falling for the ever-failing No Dye Lot claim. Fortunately, the color change shows more in the picture than it does in person.

Besides that, I am very pleased with how this turned out! Read my post at Crochetville here.

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